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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Project Management activities

Project Management is composed of several different types of activities such as:

1. Planning the work or objectives
2. Analysis & Design of objectives
3. Assessing and controlling risk (or Risk Management)
4. Estimating resources
5. Allocation of resources
6. Organizing the work
7. Acquiring human and material resources
8. Assigning tasks
9. Directing activities
10. Controlling project execution
11. Tracking and Reporting progress
12. Analyzing the results based on the facts achieved
13. Defining the products of the project
14. Forecasting future trends in the project
15. Quality Management
16. Issues Management
17. Issues solving
18. Defect prevention
19. Project Closure meet
20. Communicating to stakeholders



Anonymous said...

A nice list of responsibilities here. I just hope people don't read the numbering as the order of importance, mainly because number 20 could do to be in the top 5 (maybe the top 2 (or top 1?))

Dip said...

Hi David ... I agree with you... Just a note to them who want to learn the responsibilities to be taken care off... Those who practices these knows the importance...